Privacy Policy

The security and privacy of the users is of utmost priority at LABOUR SQUARE. We work towards providing our users a secure, user-friendly and comfortable experience. The following Policy enlists in detail all the policies, activities and rules that apply to LABOUR SQUARE application. Regardless, these do not apply to any other forum through which information is collected.

External links to other websites and domains we do not have dominance over are also present in LABOUR SQUARE app; it is important to note that we do not have any jurisdiction in said case. LABOUR SQUARE cannot be held accountable for the practices of these external sites and the information you wish to share with them. We would recommend that you first check the authenticity and policies of these certain links/websites before you share any sensitive information on their domains.

Collection and Use of Your Personal Information

Labour Square provides a unique, innovative, community-based online outsourcing service. A failure by you to provide information requested by us may mean that We are unable to provide some or all of our services to you.

Labour Square collects personal information when you register with and use Labour Square. This may include, but is not limited to, your name, address, phone number, contact details, birth date, gender, credit card and account details, occupation, interests, and application details for verification services. We might also give you the option of providing a photo or video to be associated with your Labour Square user ID. If your personal details change, it is your responsibility to update your Labour Square account with those changes, so that We can keep our records complete, accurate and up to date.

You are not anonymous to us when you log into the Site or post any content (including tasks, items to be supplied, bids, comments or feedback) on the Site or any associated forum. To enable us to improve our existing services and to create new service features, Labour Square may collect, and share with other users and service providers on Labour Square, information about the way you use our services, including (but not limited to) the transactions you enter into on the Site, your feedback rating , the bids you make, the comments you post, and the transactions you enter into with our valued affiliate service providers.

Labour Square does not in any way control, and does not accept any responsibility or liability whatsoever for, the disclosure or use of personal information which is voluntarily posted by you in any publicly accessible area of the Site.

Labour Square may also receive and record information from your internet browser and computer, including IP addresses, cookies (see section 2 below), software and hardware attributes and your page requests.

In addition to data collected from your submissions, we may also collect data on your internet behavior from Facebook, other social media sites, and other services. If you use a location- enabled Labour Square service, We may collect and process information about your actual location (for example, GPS signals sent by your mobile device). We may also use a range of different technologies to confirm your location.

Labour Square may use the information collected by it to provide the Labour Square Services, including (but not limited to):

  1. Identification and authentication.
  2. To protect Labour Square and the users of the Site.
  3. To customize the content and any advertising displayed on the Site.
  4. To provide, maintain, protect and improve our services.
  5. Providing your information to a user with whom you have or had a contract facilitated by Labour Square.
  6. As required by law, an order of a court, tribunal or regulator or if Labour Square reasonably believes that the use or disclosure of the information is reasonably necessary for enforcement related activities.
  7. To develop new service features.
  8. To ensure that Labour Square receives payment of the fees due to it.
  9. To contact you (for example, to inform you about upcoming changes or improvements to our services).
  10. To conduct research.
  11. To permit content on the Site (such as postings or third party advertisements) to be targeted, on an aggregate basis, to the users for whom it is most likely to be relevant.
  12. To expand our user base.
  13. To develop our relationships with affiliate service providers.
  14. To provide or arrange internal or external verification services obtained by you via the Site.
  15. To generate data reports on an aggregated, non-personally identifiable basis, for both internal and third party use, but subject to any applicable laws (for example, We may show advertisers or investors trends relating to the general use of Labour Square's services).

In certain circumstances We will use your email address to administer our User Agreement (for example, We may notify you of a breach, or action a request for a Take Down Notice in response to a claim of copyright infringement).

Sharing Personal User Information with External/Third Parties

Personal User Information is not provided or shared with any external sources for advertising or brand promotion activities by LABOUR SQUARE. If ever such a case occurs, User consent will be specifically taken.

However, we outsource a few service providers which monitor some technical areas and provide services to you on the app. Outsourcing is also used while collecting Online payments via different E-payment methods when you purchase our products and services. These external service providers however, do not have access to your personal information directly and neither are they allowed to use any sensitive information for any other activity except for the one assigned to them.

As for the sharing of personal information to external parties; this only occurs if we have been legally ordered to do so by federal government bodies. The disclosure of personal information is only an option for us when: a) we are legally ordered by any given court of law or the information has been demanded via subpoena. b) If the question of security of our users’ occurs. c) To prevent any cyber crime, or helping in any illegal activity happening regarding the same.


Cookies are used to improvise and maximize the user’s online experience. They are small text files that are stored in our database and the users as well. Cookies are basically used as Identification cards of the user and are designed to hold a modest amount of data specific to a particular user and can be accessed either by the web server or the user device. This allows the server to deliver a page tailored to cater a particular user, giving the user a personal experience.

Only the server/app that creates a cookie can read it, so other servers do not have access to your information. Additionally, web servers can use only information that you provide or choices that you make while visiting the website as content in cookies.

We use cookies to arrange content to match your preferred interests more quickly. Most major websites use cookies. Cookies cannot be used by themselves to identify you.

The main purpose of a cookie is to identify users and possibly prepare customized web pages for them, which in turn saves a lot of time. For instance, when you open our app using cookies, you may be asked to fill out a form providing such information as your name and interests. This information is packaged into a cookie and sent to your browser which stores it for later use. The next time you visit us, your browser will send the cookie to the server. The server can use this information to present you with custom pages. For example, instead of seeing a generic welcome page you might see a page that welcomes you by name or shows when you last visited the site.

However, there is always an option of whether or not you want to use cookies. We don’t use cookies with our user’s specific permission at The Placement, but declining cookies may alter and make your experience less personalized and time consuming.

You also agree that if you change the settings on your internet browser to block or restrict cookies (including cookies associated with Labour Square's services), or to indicate when a cookie is being set by Labour Square, the Labour Square Services may not work as intended. You should remember that, while you may still be able to use the Site if your cookies are disabled, our services may not function properly on your device and you may not be able to take advantage of certain Labour Square features.

The Labour Square’s Content

The content material of Labour Square(App and Website included) such as Banner, logo, tagline, graphics, icons, software and other self made material is protected under Pakistan’s copyright, patent and infringement laws and are solely the Property of Labour Square Owners. The brand logos of companies associated with us are the property of their respective owners alone. All material written and graphic, displayed on Labour Square is the property of Labour Squares’ owners specifically. Sale, modification or duplication of this App/Website is explicitly prohibited and punishable by law. The use of our content on any other website or App for any purpose is restricted.

Third Parties

The Site may contain links to third party websites including the networks of our valued affiliate service providers, advertisers, and Payment gateways, or make available services obtained from third parties, including verification services by third-party verification providers. If you follow a link to any of these websites, for instance using any third party payment system, or use any services obtained from third-party service providers via the Site that requires you to provide personal information (including sensitive information if relevant) directly to such third parties (for instance third party verification providers), note that they have their own privacy policies. If you use our Site to link to another site, or use a service obtained from a third party service provider via the Site, you will be subject to that site's or third party's terms and conditions of use, privacy policy and security statement. We strongly encourage you to view these before disclosing any of your personal information on such sites.

Labour Square does not control, and does not accept any responsibility or liability for, the privacy policy of, and use of personal information by, any party other than Labour Square, including any user of the Site, the operators of any website to which the Site links, or third party service providers to whom you directly provide your personal information (including sensitive information if relevant) to.

If Labour Square is involved in a merger, acquisition or asset sale, We will give affected users of the Site notice before their personal information is transferred to another entity or becomes subject to a different privacy policy.

For the avoidance of doubt, if you use any verification services made available by Labour Square via its Site, that is not performed by Labour Square but a third party verification provider, then any personal information (including sensitive information if relevant) that you provide as required by that third party in order to perform its verification services, will be collected directly by the relevant third party verification provider and will not be collected, handled, stored or otherwise used by Labour Square. Labour Square will only receive your verification status from the third party verification provider (for example, 'granted' or 'not granted' or such other like status) in order to issue any relevant Verification Badge on the Site. The use and handling of personal information (including sensitive information if relevant) remain the responsibility of the third party verification provider under its own privacy policy.

Privacy Grievances

If you have concerns about how We handle your personal information or require further information, please email Labour Square using the contact form provided on the Site. If you make a formal written complaint in relation to our compliance with this Privacy Policy, We will contact you to follow up on that complaint. Other than material that you voluntarily choose to post on the Site (such as Sender postings, bids and comments on other users), the only information about you that We will post publicly, is your Labour Square public profile.

Labour Square may, from time to time, modify this Privacy Policy (and update the web page on which it is displayed). Labour Square will send notification of any such modification to your Labour Square account and/or your registered email address. You should check that account regularly.

Refund Policy

Any sale that goes forward with the payment is final. Cash backs are not allowed otherwise. However, if the user wishes to demand a refund due to any misdemeanor by Labour Sqaure they can contact us through: and +92-344-9449090.

Contact Information

  •  FL 4/10 Gulshan-E-Iqbal Block-5 Karachi, Pakistan
  •  +92-344-9449090
  •  Mon - Sat: 9:00 - 18:00

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