Terms of Use


The Standard Terms and Conditions written on this page shall manage your use of our Labour Square App/ website, Labour Square; accessible at http://laboursquare.com

These Terms will be applied fully and affect to your use of LABOUR SQUARE App/website. By using the Labour Square website, you agreed to accept all terms and conditions written in here. You must not use The Labour Square App/ website if you disagree with any of the given Labour Square App/ website Standard Terms of Use.

Minors or people below 18 years old are not encouraged to use Labour Square App/ website.

Labour Square is an online Service providing App that connects Labour providers (Contractors) to Potential Customers.

Please read these terms and all Policies including the Privacy Policy carefully before using the Labour Square Platform.

Intellectual Property Rights

Other than the content you own, under these Terms, Labour Square and/or its licensors own all the intellectual property rights and materials contained in this website.

You are granted limited license only for purposes of viewing the material contained on the Labour Square website.


  1. A Customer may revoke or modify a Posted Task at any time before he/she accepts an Offer. Labour Square reserves the right to cancel all Offers on a Posted Task made prior to the modification or amendment.
  2. If a Customer accepts an Offer on the Labour Square Platform, a Task Contract is created between the Contractor and the Customer.
  3. Upon acceptation of the task by a contractor, the Customer is then liable to pay the required amount of the task to the contractor.
  4. Once the Task Contract is created, the Contractor and Customer may vary the Task Contract on the Labour Square Platform itself. The Customer and Contractor are encouraged to use Labour Square private messaging system to amend or vary the Task Contract (including the Agreed Price) or to otherwise communicate. This helps us keep a record of the agreed upon fee of the task for discrepancies later.
  5. The Contractor must perform the Services required under the Task Contract, including in accordance with any additional terms or conditions agreed by the parties.
  6. Once the Services are complete, the Contractor must provide notice of that on the Labour Square Platform.
  7. Once the Services are complete, the Customer must provide notice of that on the Labour Square Platform.
  8. Once the Posted Task has been completed and the Customer confirms the Services are completed, or if Labour Square is satisfied the Services have been completed, the payment is made in cash form to the contractor and the Contractor will then have to transfer Labour Square’s cut either through Bank Transfer, Jazz Mobile Wallet/Easy Paisa or Jazz cash.
  9. After the Task Contract is completed, the parties are encouraged to review and provide feedback of the Services on the Labour Square Platform.


  1. Labour Square provides the Labour Square Platform on Mobile App only, enabling Users to publish Posted Tasks and make Offers on Posted Tasks.
  2. Labour Square only permits individuals over 18 years of age to become Users.
  3. Users must be real people, but can specify within their account description that they represent a business entity.
  4. At its absolute discretion, Labour Square may refuse to allow any person to register or create an account with Labour Square or cancel or suspend any existing account in case of any unfortunate incident.
  5. Registering and creating an account with Labour Square is free. There is no charge for a Customer to post tasks, or for other Labour Square Users to review content on the Labour Square Platform, including Posted Tasks.
  6. Labour Square accepts zero liability for any aspect of the Customer and Contractor interaction, including but not limited to the description, performance or delivery of Services.
  7. Labour Square has no responsibility and makes no warranty as to the truth or accuracy of any aspect of any information provided by Users, including, but not limited to, the ability of Contractors to perform tasks or supply items, or the honesty or accuracy of any information provided by Customers or the Customers' ability to pay for the Services requested. Customers accept offers and permit the contractor for completing their task at their own risk.
  8. Except for liability in relation to any Non-excludable Condition, the Labour Square Service is provided on an "as is" basis and without any warranty or condition, express or implied.
  9. Labour Square is not entitled to any User to assistance or intervene in any dispute between Users, although we may do so to improve User experience in any special case.


  1. User will be obligated to:

    1. Comply with this Agreement (including all Policies) and all applicable country labour laws and regulations.
    2. Only post accurate information on the Labour Square Platform.
    3. Promptly and efficiently perform obligations to other User under a Task Contract.
    4. Ensure that you are aware of any laws that apply to You as a Customer or Contractor, or in relation to using the Labour Square Platform.
  2. You agree that any content (whether provided by Labour Square, a User or a third party) on the Labour Square Platform may not be used on third party sites or for other business purposes without Labour Square’s prior and explicit permission.
  3. You must not use the Labour Square Platform for any illegal or immoral purpose.
  4. You must maintain control of Your Labour Square account and must not deal your account in any way, including by allowing others to use Your account, or by transferring or selling Your account or any of its content to another person.
  5. You grant Labour Square an unrestricted, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, modify and adapt any content and information posted on the Labour Square Platform for the purpose of publishing material on the Labour Square Platform and as otherwise may be required to provide the Labour Square Service, for the general promotion of the Labour Square Service, and as permitted by this Agreement.
  6. You agree that any information posted on the Labour Square Platform must not, in any way whatsoever, be potentially or actually harmful to Labour Square or any other person. Harm includes, but is not limited to, economic loss that will or may be suffered by Labour Square.
  7. Labour Square Platform may from time to time engage location-based or map-based functionality. The Labour Square Platform may display the location of Customers and Contractors to persons browsing the Labour Square Platform. Each Customer will be asked to provide the street and suburb where the Services are to be delivered. A Customer should never disclose personal details such as the Customer's full name, street number, phone number or email address in a Posted Task or in any other public communication on the Labour Square Platform.
  8. Contractors must provide Services to Customers in accordance with the Task Contract, unless the Services are prohibited by law, this Agreement, an agreement between the User and a third party or by any of our Policies.
  9. You must not, when supplying Services, charge a Customer any fees on top of the Contractor Funds. However, the parties to a Task Contract may agree to amend the Agreed Price through the Labour Square Platform only.
  10. It is recommended not to request payments outside of the Labour Square Platform from the customer. This is recommended for the security of your own payment so we can have record of matters accordingly.
  11. If a Contractor agrees to pay some costs of completing the Services (such as equipment to complete the Services), the Contractor is solely responsible for obtaining any reimbursement from the Customer. Labour Square advises Contractors not to agree to incur any kind of costs in advance of receiving the payment for these costs, unless the Contractor is confident the Customer will reimburse the costs promptly which as well will be at his own discretion only, not ours.
  12. If Labour Square determines at its sole discretion that You have breached any obligation under any given clause, it reserves the rights to remove any content, Posted Task or Offer You have submitted to the Labour Square Service or cancel or suspend Your account and/or any Task Contracts.
  13. Upon the creation of a Task Contract, the Contractor owes Labour Square the Service Fee. The Service Fee will automatically be deducted from the Agreed Price held in the Escrow Account.
  14. If the Posted Task requires a Contractor to incur costs in completing the Services, the cost incurred will not be included in any calculation of Fees.
  15. Fees do not include any fees that may be due to Third Party Service providers. All Third Party Service providers are paid pursuant to a User's separate agreement with that Third Party Service provider.
  16. All Fees and charges payable to Labour Square are non-cancellable and non-refundable, subject to Your rights under any Non-Excludable Conditions.
  17. If Labour Square introduces a new service on the Labour Square Platform, the Fees applying to that service will be payable as from the launch of the service.
  18. Labour Square may set-off any Fees against any Contractor Funds or other amounts held by Labour Square on behalf of a User.
  19. Labour Square may restrict a User's account until all Fees have been paid.


  1. Fees do not include any fees that may be due to Third Party Service providers. All Third Party Service providers are paid pursuant to a User's separate agreement with that Third Party Service provider
  2. All Fees and charges payable to Labour Square are non-cancellable and non-refundable, subject to your rights under any Non-Excludable Conditions.
  3. Labour Square may restrict a User's account until all Fees have been paid.
  4. If a Task Contract is cancelled:

    1. Labour Square will retain the Service Fee in accordance with given clause.
    2. The cancellation will be attributed to the Contractor unless the Contractor can provide evidence to Labour Square satisfaction (in its sole opinion) that the Customer caused the cancellation of the Task Contract. If cancelled by the Customer (as determined by said clause), the Customer must pay the Cancellation Admin Fee. The Cancellation Admin Fee will be equal to the Service Fee that has been charged to the Contractor under the relevant Task .Labour Square may agree to refund the Service Fee to the Contractor.
  5. Following resolution of a cancelled Task Contact in accordance with given clause , Labour Square may take up to 15 days to return the Agreed Price (less the Cancellation Admin Fee, if applicable) to the Customer.
  6. If, for any reason, the task has not been marked as complete either from Contractor or customer, we will wait for 15 days in case of any dispute.
  7. If, no claim is made in between these 15 days, Labour Square will consider that task as completed and transfer the payment to the Contractors fund.
  8. No dispute will be accepted after 15 days starting from the day you have assigned your task to the Contractor.


  1. Labour Square will be using multiple payment gateways to ensure convenience and security.
  2. No additional charges will be applicable for online transaction.
  3. We highly recommend our users to use online payment methods instead of offline method (Cash on Delivery). This will ensure Contractors that their payment is already secured and since payment is held with Labour Square, this can insure better work quality from the Contractors as well. So it will be beneficial for both parties.


  1. Labour Square may use Identity Verification Services.
  2. You agree that Labour Square Identity Verification Services may not be fully accurate as all Labour Square Services are dependent on User-supplied information and/or information or verification services provided by third parties.
  3. You are solely responsible for identity verification and Labour Square accepts no responsibility for any use that is made of a Labour Square Identity Verification Service.
  4. Labour Square Identity Verification Services may be modified at any time.
  5. The Labour Square Platform may also include a User-initiated feedback system to help evaluate Users.


  1. You can complain about any comment made on the Labour Square Platform using the 'Feedbacks' function of the Labour Square Platform or contact Labour Square via the Labour Square Platform.
  2. Labour Square is entitled to suspend or terminate Your account at any time if Labour Square, in its sole and absolute discretion, is concerned by any feedback about You, or considers Your feedback rating to be problematic for other Labour Square Users.


  1. Except for liability in relation to breach of Non-excludable Condition, to the extent permitted by law, Labour Square specifically disclaims all liability for any loss or damage (actual, special, direct, indirect and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, suspected and unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed (including, without limitation, loss or damage relating to any inaccuracy of information provided, or the lack of fitness for purpose of any goods or service supplied), arising out of or in any way connected with any transaction between Customers and Contractors.
  2. Except for liability in relation to a breach of any Non-excludable Condition, and to the extent permitted by law, Labour Square is not liable for any Consequential Loss arising out of or in any way connected with the Labour Square Services.
  3. Labour Square’s liability to You for a breach of any Non-excludable Condition (other than a Non-excludable Condition that by law cannot be limited) is limited, at our option to any one of resupplying, replacing or repairing, or paying the cost of resupplying, replacing or repairing goods in respect of which the breach occurred, or supplying again or paying the cost of supplying again, services in respect of which the breach occurred.


  1. No agency, partnership, joint venture, employee-employer or other similar relationship is created by this Agreement. In particular you have no authority to bind Labour Square, its related entities or affiliates in any way whatsoever. To the extent permitted by law, Labour Square specifically disclaims all liability for any loss or damage incurred by you in any manner due to the performance or non-performance of such Third Party Service.


  1. Except as stated otherwise, any notices must be given by registered ordinary post or by email, either to Labour Square’s contact address as displayed on the Labour Square Platform, or to Labour Square Users' contact address as provided at registration. Any notice shall be deemed given:

    1. If sent by email, 24 hours after email is sent, unless the User is notified that the email address is invalid or the email is undeliverable.
    2. If sent by post, three Business Days after the date of posting.


  1. Labour Square encourages You to try and resolve disputes (including claims for returns or refunds) with other Users directly. Accordingly, You acknowledge and agree that Labour Square may, in its absolute discretion, provide Your information as it decides is suitable to other parties involved in the dispute.
  2. Labour Square may elect to assist Users resolve disputes. Any User may refer a dispute to Labour Square. You must co-operate with any investigation undertaken by Labour Square. Labour Square reserves the right to make a final determination (acting reasonably) based on the information supplied to make payment accordingly.
  3. If Labour Square provides information about other Users to You for the purposes of resolving disputes under given clause, You acknowledge and agree that such information will be used only for the purpose of resolving the dispute (and no other purpose) and that you will indemnify Labour Square against any claims relating to any other use of information not permitted by this Agreement.


  1. Either You or Labour Square may terminate your account and this Agreement at any time for any reason.
  2. Termination of this Agreement does not affect any Task Contract that has been formed between Labour Square & Users. If you have entered a Task Contract You must comply with the terms of that Task Contract including providing the Services or paying the Agreed Price as applicable.
  3. If Your account or this Agreement are terminated for any reason then You may not without Labour Square’s consent (in its absolute discretion) create any further accounts with Labour Square and we may terminate any other accounts You operate.


  1. This Agreement is governed by the laws of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. You and Labour Square submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Pakistan.
  2. The provisions of this Agreement are severable, and if any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision may be removed and the remaining provisions will be enforceable.
  3. This Agreement sets out the entire understanding and agreement between the User and Labour Square with respect to its subject matter.
  4. The Task Contract is governed by the laws of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of Pakistan.

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